More information will appear here soon.


Algebraic, number theoretic and topological aspects of rings, algebras and polynomials, including
  • Integer-valued polynomials
  • Polynomial mappings
  • Multiplicative ideal theory
  • Topological methods in ring theory
  • Zariski-Riemann spaces of valuation domains
  • Factorization theory in rings and monoids
  • Module theory and linear algebra over rings
  • Dedekind, Prüfer, and Krull domains and generalizations


In addition to invited talks, there will be sessions of contributed talks of 30min. Information on abstract submission and a LaTeX template will appear here in good time.


We are planning to publish proceedings in a similar format as those of the conference in 2021.

Scientific Committee

  • Jean-Luc Chabert (Université de Picardie, France)
  • Alfred Geroldinger (University of Graz, Austria)
  • Bruce Olberding (New Mexico State University, USA)
  • Irena Swanson (Purdue University, USA)
  • Francesca Tartarone (Roma Tre, Italy)

Local Organizers

Sophie Frisch, Amr Al-Maktry, Nikola Bogdanovic, Valentin Havlovec, and Doniyor Yazdonov

Ring Theory Conferences in Graz

The conference at the Institute of Analysis and Number Theory of Technische Universität Graz (TU Graz), July 14-19, 2025, continues the series of biennial ring-theory conferences held alternatingly at the two math departments in Graz since 2012 - at TU in 2012, at KFU in 2014, at TU in 2016, at KFU in 2018, at TU in 2021, and at KFU in 2023. We hope to see the participants of the previous events again in Graz 2025, as well as many new participants.